What to Expect from a Nutrigenomics DNA Test

Experience the Power of Precision Wellness



When you purchase a Nutrigenomics DNA Test from an NBX Wellness provider, we want you to feel comfortable and confident in your decision to incorporate personalized, precision guidance into your wellness routine. 

Benefits of Nutrigenomics Testing

  1. Personalized Guidance
    • Nutrigenomics DNA testing can provide insights into an individual's DNA makeup and how it may influence their response to different nutrients. Your wellness provider can use this information to create a personalized wellness program tailored to your specific genetic profile, helping you optimize your well-being. 

  2. A Foundation for Success
    • Nutrigenomics DNA test results provide a wealth of information on your genetic strengths and limitations. You can enhance your core wellness functionality by focusing on a genetic foundation. As you incorporate recommendations from your genetic results, you increase your body’s bandwidth to handle the many challenges life brings. Additionally, taking time to focus on your core genetic wellness will often help you achieve your wellness goals faster. 
  3. Clear, Actionable Resources
    • Every Nutrigenomics Genetic Test from NBX Wellness comes with clear guidance on specific actions you can take to assist your body in any areas where your genetic results indicate additional support may be beneficial.

We focus on DNA testing that can help you achieve your optimal wellness potential. Our physician-designed recommendation system provides guidance on nutritional supplements, health, and lifestyle choices specific to each genetic topic.

What to Expect from a Nutrigenomics DNA Test by NBX Wellness

Our comprehensive Nutrigenomics DNA Tests provides powerful information in an easy-to-understand format. We organized your test results into four phases, each with 3 foundational wellness topics, to help you systematically integrate your DNA results into your wellness journey.


Phase 1: Inflammation, Autophagy, and Neurotransmitters
Phase 2: Methylation, Mitochondria, and Detoxification
Phase 3: Vitamins & Minerals, Diet & Gastrointestinal, and Men’s or Women’s Health
Phase 4: Long-term Maintenance


Our phased approach to integrating your DNA test results into your personalized wellness journey provides a methodical, sustainable approach for optimal wellness outcomes.

Your providers will work with you to develop a long-term wellness plan that can help you maintain the positive benefits of integrating the first three phases of nutrigenomics testing results.

If you would like more details about the genetic mutations our test focuses on and the nutritional recommendations we make, click here to download our Nutrigenomics Gene Key PDF.

Each wellness topic includes specific information from your provider, information about the topic, and genes tested. An excerpt from the Inflammation Wellness Topic page is shown below.




Your personalized regimen includes precision guidance on nutritional supplements and health and lifestyle guidance for each topic. Here is an example of a regimen based on genetic results indicating some genetic limitations related to inflammation.

This regimen is the foundation for building an optimal wellness plan. Over time, the regimen may evolve over time, or additional basic regimens may be incorporated to address individual goals or needs, or limitations beyond your genetic profile.


Our Commitment To You

We value your privacy: Your data is completely anonymized throughout the testing process. Once your sample has been analyzed, any remaining genetic material is destroyed.  

We provide comprehensive results—one Nutrigenomics DNA Test will provide wellness insight for life. Our comprehensive genetic test analyzes over 100 genetic markers in 9 foundational wellness areas. While the nutritional, health, and lifestyle guidance we provide can help you impact your wellness outcomes, your unique genetic code remains the same throughout your life.  

We are committed to providing you clear, accurate, and timely information. We utilize PCR testing, a well-respected method used throughout the scientific community to provide high-quality genetic results. We partner with genetic labs that are CLIA and COLA certified and HIPAA compliant.



 *These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We're Here to Help

If you have any questions or would like more information, contact us!