Basics of Genetics and Nutrigenomics Genetic Testing

Dive into the fundamental principles of genetic testing and unlock the invaluable insights hidden within your DNA for a healthier and empowered future.

Your genes – codes found within your DNA – contain all the instructions your body needs to function. The human body contains over 20,000 genes. 

Genetic testing can help us understand your unique and complex genetic code in two major ways.

1) The Influence of Genetic Variations


The DNA in your genetic code is unique. This uniqueness comes from the order of your nucleotides – small molecules represented by the letters A, T, G, & C. Sometimes, one of these nucleotides can be switched out for another. This type of genetic variation is called a single nucleotide polymorphism (or SNP). 

Most of these SNPs are harmless and don’t impact our everyday lives. However, some genetic variations can impact our well-being. Our genetic test assesses over 100 different types of genetic variations that have the potential to influence each of our individual wellness journeys.


2) How Your Body Puts Your Genetic Code to Use

NutritionistThink of our genes like recipes in a cookbook. The recipe you select for a 3-year-old’s birthday party would probably be different from the recipe you select for a date night for two adults. Similarly, each gene is needed at the right time and place in our body. Gene expression is how our bodies decide which gene 'recipe' to make, where to make it, and how often. Our Nutrigenomics Genetic Test assesses various genes that can impact genetic expression. 


Why Focus on Nutrigenomics?

Our genetic test focuses on nutrigenomics—the scientific field that explores the interplay between our genes and nutrition. By focusing on nutrigenomics, we can provide insight into your genetic code that can help you make informed choices in regard to diet, lifestyle, and nutritional supplements. 

Identify Your Specific Nutritional Needs

Assessing nutrigenomics genes can help you build a foundation for optimal wellness. For people who have genetic variations that make it difficult for their bodies to process specific nutrients. For example, some people have a genetic variation that makes it difficult to convert folic acid (the form of Vitamin B9 found in foods) into methyl folate (the bioactive form of Vitamin B9 our bodies can put to work).

Understanding genetic limitations like these can help you recognize how supplements with bioactive forms of nutrients may provide greater benefits for your unique needs. Depending on their genetic results, some individuals may also benefit from increasing their daily intake of a particular nutrient or combination of nutrients.


Understand How to Optimize Body Processes

Some genetic limitations may impact a specific body process. If you think of a gene like a recipe in a cookbook, a nutrigenomics genetic test can help you identify which ingredients (nutrients) are needed to complete the recipe. For those who possess a genetic variation that may impact a body process, a genetic test can provide insight into which nutrients provide the raw ingredients needed to complete specific body processes. 

For example, genetic variations can influence the balance of neurotransmitters like GABA and glutamate, potentially playing a role in mood regulation.  A genetic test can tell you how much focus you should place on this topic. With the help of a wellness provider, you can make a plan to prioritize specific topics with noted genetic limitations.  Your genetic test may also indicate other nutrients that may help enhance or support well-being in a specific wellness topic.


Discover the Relationship Between Daily Life and Genetic Expression

Diet & nutrition, stress, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle factors are some of the outside forces that can impact how our genes function (epigenetics is the study of how external factors influence gene expression without changing our unique genetic sequence). Understanding your unique genetic results can help you and your wellness provider to develop precision wellness plans tailored to your unique life. 

While our gene sequence stays the same throughout our life, there are many positive changes we can make to help improve our genetic function. Many of our exclusive supplements are designed to support body processes related to specific genetic limitations. Additionally, our results include lifestyle changes that assist with genetic concerns. For example, stress may influence your genetic expression. Limiting stress and getting adequate sleep may help support optimal genetic function.  


Nutrigenomics genetic testing provides clear, actionable guidance on nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement choices that can impact your well-being and help you build a strong foundation to support your wellness goals. 


*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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